Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities
Interested in Sponsoring or Exhibiting at Diverse Philanthropy and Leadership?
Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Form
Who attends?
- Advancement professionals—at all levels—who want to effectively increase their contributions and resources to their organization
- Diverse and majority advancement professionals serving and managing diverse constituencies
- Senior management professionals looking to develop and enhance strategies to attract and retain diverse employees, while creating an inclusive culture
This conference is designed for professionals with mid- to senior-level responsibility.
Why Sponsor and Axhibit at the DPL Conference
- Access to CASE member and non-member attendees
- Opportunities to connect with clients and prospective clients
- Visibility during the conference and on the conference app
- Recognition throughout the conference
- Opportunities to share thought leadership and expertise with attendees
Standard Benefits for All Sponsors
- Company logo and name prominently displayed on signage
- Company logo projected in rotation on screen before all key sessions
- Logo and listing in the conference app
- Attendee opt-in/out listing provided pre- and post-conference
- Company logo in conference promotions and on conference website
Sponsorship Levels
Exhibiting at the CASE Diverse Philanthropy and Leadership Conference
Educational Partner
Number of Registrations
All exhibitors receive skirted 6’ table, two chairs and a waste basket as part of their exhibiting space package. Exhibitors also receive the attendee opt-in/opt-out listing both pre- and post-conference. Please note: This is strictly a tabletop exhibit hall only. 10’ wide displays will not be allowed.
A hotel room is not included in your sponsor/exhibitor fee. Room blocks often fill before hotel deadlines, so make your room reservation early. Please check the website for information.
Contact: exhibits@case.org
Interested in Sponsoring or Exhibiting at Diverse Philanthropy and Leadership?
Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Form