Creating A Common Language And Using Data To Drive Decisions
Sometimes, we’re asked questions that feel like they’re in a different language. At times, we really are speaking two different languages and translation is a challenge. But all languages have some things in common and with a little work, you can often find creative solutions to communicate with one another.
Have you been asked to articulate and support your request for expanded staffing? What about being asked to predict cash receipts for University budgets during times of economic uncertainty? The finance office or Dean wants to see one thing, but your fundraising database isn’t exactly aligned.
This session will present several ways existing data can be used to help development leadership clarify the need for additional staff resources, articulate the impact gift officers have on total fundraising results, and demonstrate ways in which past and projected staffing and cash receipts can predict cash flow in a language both sides understand. No shouting, pointing, or 'cave speak' required.