The Power of Personalization: Key Strategies for using AI and Other Tech
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM ET
Speaker(s): Solomon Grey, Senior Project Manager, RNL, Nicholas Herman, Vice President & Consultant, Ruffalo Noel Levitz
Competencies: Strategic ThinkingIndustry or Sector Expertise
Elective Session
Personalization matters, and in today's world of AI-driven technology, truly personalizing the donor experience is possible for any size organization. Join this session to see how new technology can help you change your outreach from "send everything to everyone" to producing a truly tailored experience for each donor. Hear key metrics from millions of communications about the power of personalization and how it can more than triple open rates. And hear how St. John's University transformed engagement with new technology that allows for personalization at scale. It's time to do donor engagement smarter, and if you're ready to ignite the passion of individual supporters using new tactics, this session is for you.