Wednesday, January 22, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM GMT
Reflections on day 1
After the excitement of the first day, in groups we will take 30 minutes to reflect on the previous day. What did you hear yesterday that you want to implement into your own programme? What did you hear yesterday that surprised you? Or what did you hear that made you think "yes I am doing the right thing?" This is an opportunity for you to gather your thoughts before heading into another full day.
Breakout Session
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM GMT
Breakout session: How to develop your major gifts legacy pipeline
Research shows that wealthier people are more likely to leave a gift in their Will to charity and for it to be a bigger share of their Estate. In this session we will share prospect insight and practical collaborative tips across the legacy pipeline to help you plan for today and tomorrow’s major donor legacy givers.
Speakers: Barrie Bryson, Legacy Gift Manager, University of Glasgow, Fiona Orr, Strategic Philanthropy Manager (Legacies & Trusts), University of Glasgow, Laura Morton, Legacy Philanthropy Officer, University of Glasgow
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM GMT
Breakout session: The Vital Many: How to maintain focus on regular giving
The Pareto Principle – or the law of the vital few and trivial many – tells us that we will see 80% of our fundraising results from 20% of our donors. But we also know that income from the remaining 80% of our donors provides valuable funding for our core activities. In this session, our panel will discuss their regular giving programmes and share strategies on how to balance the competing demands of a major donor and regular giving programme in a small organisation. Our panel will represent a variety of different viewpoints, from well-established programmes to newer efforts.
Speakers: Frances Wheare, Director of Development and Social Impact, The Dragon School, Fiona Ross, Director of Development, Giggleswick School, Elisabeth Anderson, Development Director, Radley College Foundation
Sponsored Session
10:50 AM - 11:40 AM GMT
Breakout session: Creating a Holistic and Sustainable Regular Giving Programme
• In this session, we'll take a look at how you can use data to decide which audiences to direct your attention toward, which channels to use based on your data and where to allocate your budget to achieve the desired results of a holistic and sustainable Regular Giving Programme. This session is ideal for any Regular Giving Officer/Manager whether you are new to Regular Giving or looking for ways to reinvigorate your programme.
Speakers: Kat Carter, Lead Consultant, Hubbub
Sponsored Session
10:50 AM - 11:40 AM GMT
Breakout session: Legacy Management Through the Ages: A Panel Discussion on its Evolution and Future Directions
Drawing on decades of experience in regular giving and legacy management, we are excited to share our insights on how these areas have evolved over the years. By reflecting on the past, we’ll delve into optimising today’s advancements to pave the way for building a sustainable future in legacy management. Join our panel discussion to uncover how the right tools can empower you to handle increased caseloads effortlessly, forecast with precision, monitor progress efficiently, all whilst staying ahead through seamless integration with Smee & Ford
Speakers: Rich Mullens, Product Director, ClearCourse, Bobby Parmar, Account Manager, ClearCourse, Anna Wall, Head of Regular Giving and Legacy Giving, Imperial College London, Matthew Lagden
Breakout Session
11:40 AM - 12:30 PM GMT
Plenary: Buy-in, advocacy, cartwheels & high-fives
Ideas and experiences for how you can advocate for your programme and gain buy-in from senior decision makers. Come along for real-life tales of patience, creativity and sometimes feeling a little silly. There'll be opportunities to share your challenges and how you've advocated for your programme.
Speakers: Alicia Jago, Deputy director for Fundraising and Stewardship, University of Bristol, Heather Clement, Head of Individual Giving, University of Sheffield
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM GMT
Roundtable sessions
The roundtable discussions are facilitated conversations. Please choose one.
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM GMT
Roundtable- Integrated Giving Day and Telethon Programmes
Speakers: Beatrice Purser-Hallard, Director for Customer Experience, Smarteezie
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM GMT
Roundtable: Mid-level
Speakers: Rebecca Radford, Individual Giving Manager, The University of Sheffield
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM GMT
Roundtable: Planned Giving
Speakers: Anna Wall, Head of Regular Giving and Legacy Giving, Imperial College London
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM GMT
Roundtable: Refreshing a legacy strategy around a significant anniversary, and planning a legacy campaign.
Speakers: Alice Marsh, Senior Development Officer, Wolfson College | University of Oxford
1:40 PM - 2:30 PM GMT
Roundtable: What has sparked your interest?
Bring your feedback from the conference so far for further discussion with legacy and regular giving colleagues
Speakers: Alice Macek, Associate Director, Legacies, Cambridge University
Breakout Session
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM GMT
Breakout session: CASE at 50 – The future of Regular Giving?
Imagine a Development Office in 2040 – where will the Regular Giving team be sitting? What will be on their (virtual) desks? The panel have consulted their crystal balls to answer the role Regular Giving will play in 10-25 years’ time, and how the profession will add value in the future. Will we work closer with Alumni/Supporter Engagement or blur the line with face-to-face fundraising? Or is it all about ‘Legular Giving’? Join us for a lively debate to (almost) close out the day.
Speakers: Anna Diehm, Head of Annual Giving, London Business School, Chris Connew, Head of Operations in the Directorate of Development and Alumni Engagement, Queen Mary University of London, Analiese Jackson, Director of External Affairs, Autistica, Doris Taylor, Director of Development and Alumni Relations
Breakout Session
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM GMT
Breakout session: The greatest intergenerational transfer of wealth in history – Gift planning – a crucial tool for US fundraising
If you raise funds in the US, you need to understand the options that are uniquely attractive to American donors to ensure you benefit from the wealth transfer already underway. Your donors are increasingly using these techniques routinely, and you need a working knowledge of them, and how to reconcile them with regulations applying to non-US charities raising funds in the USA. Imperial College London has started bringing American gift planning techniques mainstream. We will help you think about how you can also respond to this growing trend while complying with IRS regulations.
This session is relevant to everyone raising funds in the US, whether in regular giving, mid-value, legacies, major or principal gifts.
Speakers: Joanna Storrar, Partner, More Partnership, Anna Wall, Head of Regular Giving and Legacy Giving, Imperial College London
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM GMT
Plenary: How to make friends with your major gift colleagues and why it matters…
Hear how the Regular Giving Team at the London School of Economics made friends with their major gift colleagues and how this led to a blended approach to mid-level giving across both the Regular Giving and Philanthropy Teams. We will share how they are working together to create a seamless mid-level journey to maximise four and five-figure income to the School.
Speakers: Emma Simpson, Head of Regular Giving, London School of Economics, Eleanor Crawford, Philanthropy Executive, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
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