Hannah Alam

Hanna Alam

Graduate Trainee
London School of Economics and Political Science


My name is Hanna Alam. I was born in Birmingham and moved to London for university. I studied Religion, Politics and Society at King’s College London and was fortunate enough to have a semester abroad at the University of Toronto. Whilst at University I interned with various NGO’s including a charity set up by the Noble Peace Prize winner, Malala Yousafzai. I am also really passionate about teaching other people about by Indian heritage and therefore thoroughly enjoyed being the President of Bollywood Society at university, I particularly enjoyed teaching Indian dance classes. 

In my third year at King's College University I was sponsored by King’s to participate in an internship in Hong Kong with ten other King’s students. I worked for a charity that focussed on helping children in the Philippines through the use of modern technology. Being able to help these children whilst becoming accustomed to life in a new country was a huge achievement for me and one that I am very proud of. 

This summer has been quite unlike any other with the current COVID situation. However, I have tried to use the time at home to pick up new skills and refine old ones. I have started Spanish classes and also play tennis on a weekly basis with my family. I have also tried to improve my Excel skills in preparation for starting with CASE.