Henry W. Taylor

Henry W. Taylor

Founder & Managing Partner
Legacy Consulting Group


Henry W. Taylor is the Founder and Managing Partner of Legacy Consulting Group (LCG), a strategic consulting practice serving non-profits, higher education institutions, churches, religious organizations, K-12 schools and other entities seeking to enhance their mission driven impact. LCG builds on Henry's significant experience in advancement and strategically addresses opportunities for improvement in non-profit management, fundraising, alumni/constituent engagement, communications and marketing, diversity, board relations and operational effectiveness. Most recently, Henry led Golden Gate University's (GGU) advancement division as vice president. His team focused on rebuilding GGU’s fundraising, alumni engagement and communications efforts resulting in improved outcomes and CASE awards recognizing their achievements. 

Prior to GGU, Henry served as Senior Director of Development at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, GA. He managed the office of development, which included annual giving, corporate & foundation relations, donor relations, leadership and legacy giving, as well as research & prospect management. Under his leadership at Agnes Scott, the college saw a 62-percent increase in money raised from FY19 to FY20, totaling a record-breaking $21.1 million. For FY21, Agnes Scott boasted its highest annual giving total in college history for The Fund for Agnes Scott. Prior to Agnes Scott, he was vice president for institutional advancement at Clark Atlanta University, where he was tasked with strengthening the advancement function and elevating the professionalism of staff, infrastructure and activity to deliver increased outcomes.

In total, Mr. Taylor’s advancement career spans more than 25 years and includes work at California State University-East Bay, Georgia State University, Princeton and Stanford as well as the KIPP Foundation and Level Playing Field Institute. He has successfully solicited more than $65 million personally and has led teams responsible for securing over $150 million throughout his career. His significant experience and expertise as well as passion for philanthropy and commitment to the advancement profession have made him a frequent keynote speaker and workshop presenter at professional conferences including for CASE and AFP. Mr. Taylor received a bachelor’s degree in government and religion from Claremont McKenna College and a master’s degree in leadership at St. Mary’s College of California.