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Become an Institutional Member
Now it is easier than ever to join CASE by registering online. CASE membership is institutionally based. Member institutions pay an annual base dues amount. Once an institution joins, all advancement staff employed by the institution are eligible to receive member benefits at no additional cost. Regional differences may apply. Please contact the Membership office in your region for variances:
Kai Yi Ong
+65 6016 4580
Europe & Africa
Christina Powis
+44 (0)20 7448 9944
Latin America
Laura Arias
+52 (55) 8526 3792
En Español
CASE Membership
Higher Education/Four-Year Institution
Universities, public and private colleges and liberal arts colleges
Further Education/Two-Year Institution
Community colleges, private colleges and trade schools
K-12 Elementary and secondary education institutions, including independent, international, public, and private
Educational Associate
Non-profit organizations, charitable institutions, or public K-12 foundations
Graduate/Professional School (US Only)
Stand-alone institutions that offer degrees predominately above the baccalaureate level
Other Institution Types
If you represent an alumni association, college/university foundation, district/system office, or other institution not listed, please complete this form and someone from our Membership team will contact you.
Membership costs and benefits
If you want to learn more about CASE membership and receive information about membership costs and benefits, complete this form and someone from our Membership team will contact you.