Nancy Treser-Osgood
Pitzer College
Nancy Treser-Osgood is the former Senior Director of Alumni Relations at Pitzer College. Nancy has been an active volunteer with CASE for more than 20 years while maintaining a high level of professional success.
Nancy has worked in alumni relations for nearly 30 years (since 1989), at Claremont Graduate University, Pomona College (her alma mater), and now Pitzer College. A recognized expert in the field, she is frequently called upon by advancement leaders at other institutions to serve as a consultant to provide an external review of their alumni relations programs.
From Emily Rankin, Senior Director of Development at UC Riverside and a supporter of Nancy's nomination, "Along the way, she helped recruit, train, encourage, and inspire generations of CASE volunteers and young professionals, earning her well-deserved reputation as an exceptional mentor while building an extraordinary network of fellow volunteers, professional colleagues, and loyal friends from around the world."
Nancy has been involved with CASE since 1990, serving on various conference planning committees, commissions, and boards, as well as a speaker at numerous conferences. Most recently, she represented District VII on the CASE Board of Trustees; and, this past June, she completed an unprecedented 20 consecutive years on the District VII Board, including multiple terms on the executive committee. Upon completing this most recent term, Nancy was unanimously voted as the District's first and only Director Emerita.
Again Rankin shares, "As so many of her current and former Advancement colleagues and fellow CASE volunteers can attest, few in our profession have embodied the values and mission of CASE as sincerely, conscientiously, and effectively as Nancy has throughout her distinguished career."
Nancy's focus on education extends beyond her professional life to her volunteer service. Within her local community in Claremont, Calif., Nancy has served as a director on the board of the Claremont Education Foundation, a non-profit which advocates for local schools and raises money for art and music programs, classroom technology, and more. This experience led Nancy to be elected by the community as a member of the Claremont Unified School District Governing Board in 2013. She will begin her second term on the school board in 2019.
According to Carri Jenkins Assistant to the President, University Communications at Brigham Young University and former District VII Board President, "Nancy has probably assisted in every capacity possible within District VII. She has provided superb judgement in these roles, making and carrying out difficult decisions. She did all of this while at the same time building lifelong friendships. I count myself very blessed to be among Nancy's friends."