CASE Announces Robert Sibley Magazine of the Year
LMU Magazine, from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, is the winner of CASE's 2020 Robert Sibley Magazine of the Year Award, which recognizes the best educational advancement magazine from a field of 11 finalists.
In their submission, the magazine’s editors say, “LMU Magazine raises the academic reputation of Loyola Marymount University by leveraging the expertise of faculty and alumni to bring relevant content on current issues and topics to readers. Our message is simple: At LMU, we are actively engaged in the most pressing matters of our time and what readers care about.”
That means fostering pride in the institution and fostering engagement with myriad stakeholders through the written word in the magazine, the spoken word in the Off Press podcast, and digitally on social media channels.
The judges were unanimous (and enthusiastic) in their decision to award LMU Magazine.
“The writing, choice of topics, design, illustration, and photography were all superb. This is a smart, engaging, and thoughtful magazine—consistently interesting, surprising, and provocative to any reader, regardless of college affiliation,” the judges say. “LMU tackles politics and religion head-on; its subjects and authors celebrate the diversity of Los Angeles; and it gives readers a true sense of place, whether they have ever set foot on campus or not.”

The judges praised the two covers and cover stories, “Who Are We?” and “Dramatis Personae” of the twice-per-year print magazine as “brilliant.”
Magazines eligible for the award are published at least twice a year, and received a Gold or Grand Gold award in Circle of Excellence categories including: Alumni/General Interest Magazines, Independent School Magazines, Magazines on a Shoestring, or Special Constituency Magazines.
The other 10 finalists for the Robert Sibley Magazine of the Year are: Bennington College (Bennington Magazine), Bowdoin College (Bowdoin Magazine), Campbell University (Campbell Magazine), Dartmouth College (Dartmouth Alumni Magazine), Milton Academy (Milton Magazine), Northwestern University (Northwestern Magazine), Rhode Island School of Design (RISD XYZ), University of California, Berkeley (California Magazine), University of Colorado at Boulder (Coloradan Alumni Magazine), University of Pennsylvania (Wharton Magazine), and University of Toronto (UofTMed Magazine).