CASE Insights on College and University Foundations
The College and University Foundation survey has been paused so Insights can begin the process of migrating all CASE Insights surveys from all our global regions to a new survey platform. This will ultimately allow us to streamline surveys, reduce duplicate data entry, and improve the data collection experience for survey participations. We are also using this time to review the foundation survey to ensure we are collecting the most useful data for our foundation members.
In September 2024, the National Committee for College and University Foundations (CUF) submitted a request for CASE CUF members to complete a simplified survey as a "check in." The responses can be found here.
The CASE Insights on College and University Foundations (formally known as the CASE College and University Foundation Survey) is designed to be a one-stop shop for foundation executives and professionals interested in comparing data related to their foundation's structure, staffing and operations with their peers. This annual survey also allows CASE staff to explore trends in foundation management.
Foundations participating in the CASE Insights on College and University Foundations will be able to:
- Compare their foundation's funding and operations with their peers,
- Pull comparison data at any time for foundation staff or board meetings,
- Choose specific foundations to benchmark against and
- Learn about the latest trends in foundation management and operations.
Foundations participating in the survey will also receive a copy of PowerPoint slides outlining key trends from the previous fiscal year.
Contact Meg Natter, Director, Community Colleges and Foundations at mnatter@case.org.