Philanthropic Impact Report to Trustees
From the Nominator
This report served as a strategic stewardship touchpoint within a comprehensive trustee engagement initiative we launched in 2018. It is designed to be an annual overview of philanthropic results from the previous fiscal year, personalized for each member of our Board of Trustees. The mailing has two goals: to showcase the philanthropic impact that our board of trustee members have made – both collectively and individually and to unapologetically remind them that their continued financial support is critical to our mission and core to their responsibility as board members. The piece has two parts: 1) a shell that showcases the impact of their collective work in advancing campaign-related initiatives and 2) an personalized financial report (placed within an interior flap) that shows a summary of their philanthropy, open pledges, giving societies, entities associated with their giving (family foundations, corporations, etc.), and endowments they have established.
From the Judges
This piece is a meaningful way to reach out to trustees, and provide a quick snapshot of their impact on the institution. The format is outstanding; it provides so much useful information in a user-friendly and visually interesting way. A great way to reiterate institutional priorities, recognize past support, and encourage new gifts. St. Thomas took a risk in reaching out to trustees – a key audience – in a new way, and this risk really paid off. The results are stellar (100% participation!).