Con León: Naming FIU’s Home for Cuban Culture
From the Nominator
Florida International University is building a first-of-its-kind destination to experience Cuban history and culture. From world-renowned Cuban cigars, rum, and coffee to the influence of quintessentially Cuban flavors, rhythms, and dance styles, CasaCuba will be the singular venue for uplifting Cuban enterprise and culture. It will also showcase FIU’s Cuba-related cultural heritage collections, academic expertise, and public programming. In 2023, CasaCuba secured its most significant gift yet, one that named its future home. The solicitation of Benjamín León Jr., Chairman and Founder of Leon Medical Centers, was made using printed and video proposals. The proposal booklet tells the compelling story of Cuban exiles and immigrants in the United States, a story of families torn apart and reunited, loss and triumph, and achieving the American Dream. The León family’s 60-year legacy of providing healthcare to Cubans in Miami is part of that powerful story. Chief among the “asks” was a request that Mr. León name the CasaCuba building. The proposal started the conversation, but it was during the solicitation that the team presented the video proposal. They played CasaCuba’s main video “¿Y Cuba qué?” featuring actor Andy Garcia. He describes how many other groups have cultural heritage centers, so what about Cuban Americans? ¿Y Cuba qué? The CasaCuba team always asked, ¿Y con quién? “With whom will we build a center for Cuban Americans?” The video proposal answers that question, “Con León.” With a $10 million gift, Mr. León named FIU CasaCuba at the Benjamín León Jr. Building.
From the Judges
This winning entry is a great exemplar of a custom solicitation, effectively combining the family, donor, and history of Cubans in the U.S. into a targeted ask. The text flows well from overall to specific, clearly explaining the purpose and intention of the program being funded. By directly targeting the donor with a personalized approach, this piece creates an extremely effective ask that resonates with the donor's interests and values.