Wednesday, October 4, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM CT
Breakfast and Roundtable Discussions and Faculty Office Hours
Join your peers for optional small group discussions during breakfast. Individuals who signed up for faculty one-on-one sessions will have their appointments during this time.
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CT
Lightning Round #2 with the Faculty
Engage in this second set of 10-minute mini-presentations by the Faculty, followed by Q&A.
• Addressing student debt: How some universities are creatively responding
• The Rise and (Pit)Falls of Incentives
• How to make a career in Annual Giving
Speakers: Colin Hennessy, Vice President for Alumni and Donor Engagement, The University of Iowa Center for Advancement, Megan Rajski, Director of Annual Giving, Fairfield University, Astria Smith, Senior Executive Director for Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, Southern Methodist University, Jake Strang, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Alumni Annual Giving, University of Pittsburgh
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM CT
The Power and Promise of Annual Giving
In a philanthropic landscape that is increasingly crowded, how do you show your donors how much you value them? In this session, we’ll talk about stewardship and how to illustrate the impact a donor has on your organization. From thank you notes to events – we’ll talk about what works and what to steer clear of (if given a choice). Showcasing donor impact is an essential part of any successful annual giving program and serves as an important capstone to the conference.
Speakers: Colin Hennessy, Vice President for Alumni and Donor Engagement, The University of Iowa Center for Advancement
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