Tuesday, October 3, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM CT
Breakfast and Roundtable Discussions
Join your peers for optional small group discussions during breakfast.
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM CT
How to Get Nerdy with Numbers: Basic Annual Giving Reporting
The concept of a data-driven program can feel overwhelming or like you need a background in statistics. Not very many of us bring that to the table, and yet data is the lifeblood of any annual giving program. We use it to report on results, evaluate our success, build our plans, and improve performance. In this session, we’ll talk about how to effectively track your key performance indicators for each channel, segment, and project. Learn how to use data to help manage your decision-making and planning processes. Discover how to report results internally and externally effectively. And, because it’s fun, we’ll get nerdy with some equations (no math degree necessary).
Speakers: Colin Hennessy, Vice President for Alumni and Donor Engagement, The University of Iowa Center for Advancement
Elective Session
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CT
All Aboard S.S. Giving Day: Piloting a Staff Volunteer Program to Sustainably Scale Your Next Giving Day
Giving Days are an all-hands-on-deck experience for advancement shops—especially for Annual Fund teams. When you’re working with a small crew and want to continue to expand the scale of your Giving Day, it might be time to consider recruiting Giving Day captains across your advancement team to help spread the word, build excitement, and troubleshoot questions. Join this session to learn best practices for building a Giving Day staff volunteer program from scratch, and scaling your program to increase your institution’s Giving Day success!
Speakers: Liv Medina, Director of Annual Giving, Professional Schools, University of Chicago Loyola, Jeff Neal, Assistant Vice President for Digital Engagement, Annual Giving & Analytics, Loyola University Chicago
Elective Session
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CT
Open Me/Read Me: Getting Results from Direct Mail!
In a busy world of multi-channel communications, direct mail continues to be a tried-and-true vehicle for Annual Giving. When competing for attention, what makes your mail piece stand out and get noticed? We will talk about what makes for a compelling mail piece and how different types of institutions, both big and small, can get big results from direct mail.
Speakers: Astria Smith, Senior Executive Director for Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, Southern Methodist University
Elective Session
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CT
Weathering the Waves: Why the Phone still Matters
Once an anchor for many annual giving programs, the use of phone has been faced and refaced over and over. Is your outreach working for you? Is your ‘program overboard,’ or can we ‘right the ship’? It depends. But how do you know whether your institution is ready (and willing) to ride the wave with how quickly this work is changing? Are you looking for a few more buoys? This session is for you.
We will engage in a candid discussion about the best use of the phone in our work. Starting from the dock by reviewing the changes in the industry, we’ll venture out to discuss and tackle the storms we’ve faced along the way. Then we’ll explore deeper waters with emerging trends and new ideas. Come prepared to explore fresh ways to redefine call center success, student outreach or even staff calling for the next century – or at least until the next major wave.
Speakers: Megan Rajski, Director of Annual Giving, Fairfield University
Elective Session
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM CT
Engaged Volunteers, Engaging Events
Is your reunion program on repeat? Does your affinity group programming need an upgrade? Or, are the gatherings great, but recently you’ve noticed a “disconnect” between the party and the purpose?
Participants in this interactive session will engage in brainstorming activities that generate fresh ideas to boost these vital programs and build volunteer structures that help fuel their success. Take away tangible resources that inspire buy-in, engage volunteers, and help you do more with less. Then, explore techniques to integrate these programs in ways that help shape the engagement and giving lifecycle for participants.
Speakers: Astria Smith, Senior Executive Director for Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, Southern Methodist University
Elective Session
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM CT
Independent School Panel: Building a Culture of Giving with Students, Parents, and Families
In this session, conference chair Colin Hennessy engages three independent school leaders in conversation to discuss trends and best practices for building and developing relationships with students, parents, and families. The expert panel represents decades of experience in fundraising, including positions within higher education, consulting, secular and non-secular independent schools, and the performing arts. Our panelists will respond to questions ranging from the intersection of annual giving and major gifts to pipeline development, the difference between independent school fundraising and higher education, and questions from the audience. Join us for an enriching conversation on how best to build a culture of philanthropy with students, parents, and families.
Speakers: Annie Hudson, Major Gift Officer, Francis W. Parker School, Alexandra Voigt, Director of Development, Sacred Heart Schools, Beth Wittbrodt, Senior Director of Development, Parent and Family Philanthropy, The University of Chicago, Colin Hennessy, Vice President for Alumni and Donor Engagement, The University of Iowa Center for Advancement
Elective Session
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM CT
The Virtual Gift Officer Revolution
DXO. DGO. DDO. Regardless of what they are called, virtual gift officers are revolutionizing relationship development in higher education fundraising. In a world that experienced a digital quickening in 2020, it will be imperative for future-focused advancement organizations to embrace digital-first fundraising to meet donors where they engage. This revolution will be FaceTimed, livestreamed, podcasted, messaged, and emailed. Join this session to learn how your team can leverage digital-first solutions that deepen relationships with donors to renew, retain, and upgrade donors at your institution.
Speakers: Jake Strang, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Alumni Annual Giving, University of Pittsburgh
Elective Session
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CT
Annual Giving and Engagement Office Partnerships
Talent, Time or Treasure. Sometimes the synergy between how and when your alumni interact with the institution can be off within the parameter of your own office walls. Whether your shop is balanced or unbalanced between alumni engagement and alumni giving, this session will explore different models, and tactics to encourage conversations (both in and out!) to support alliances for strategy.
Speakers: Megan Rajski, Director of Annual Giving, Fairfield University
Elective Session
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CT
Digital and Social Media Engagement
The world has gone digital. Are you ready? In this session, we will discuss how to integrate digital tools, social media, and evocative storytelling into your annual giving plan. As we fight for the attention of our donors and constituents, annual giving programs need to consider the multiple ways our communities interact with the organizations that they hold most dear. The creative use of digital marketing and social campaigns can help to fortify existing multi-channel marketing, solicitation, and stewardship efforts.
Speakers: Colin Hennessy, Vice President for Alumni and Donor Engagement, The University of Iowa Center for Advancement
Elective Session
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CT
Leadership Giving
Speakers: Adam Niermann, Senior Director, Annual & Leadership Giving, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM CT
Interactive Group Workshop
Get the blood flowing with a series of interactive group activities focused on real-world annual giving conundrums. The faculty has curated scenarios from their campus experiences over decades of active annual giving leadership. Come prepared to meet new people, exchange ideas, and work together to solve annual giving problems.
Speakers: Colin Hennessy, Vice President for Alumni and Donor Engagement, The University of Iowa Center for Advancement, Megan Rajski, Director of Annual Giving, Fairfield University, Astria Smith, Senior Executive Director for Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, Southern Methodist University, Jake Strang, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Alumni Annual Giving, University of Pittsburgh
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