Know Before You Go
Before joining us in Chicago, take these few steps to be prepared for a great conference:
- Get approved for attendance by uploading your vaccination record to CrowdPass at your earliest convenience but no later than November 30 at 1 PM Eastern. CASE will be using CrowdPass technology to verify your health clearance for this event. You’ll use THIS LINK and once there, you’ll create a login and upload a photo of your vaccination record. CASE will receive a report furnished by Crowdpass that will tell us you’ve been approved and your check-in to the conference will be seamless.
- Make sure to bring hand sanitizer and an extra mask. We hope you’ll connect with lots of fellow attendees, but you’ll need to do so while wearing a mask as we continue to follow CDC guidance for large gatherings. Bring an extra in case it gets hot, and bring hand sanitizer for navigating through the venue.
- Get excited. CASE is looking forward to hosting you at our first in-person events in nearly two years and we hope you are eager to see and learn from each other safely and responsibly. To help CASE provide the best possible on-site experience, we ask that you complete the following Interest Survey at your earliest convenience but no later than November 30. Plan to have a great time!