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District V Annual Conference 2025
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2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CT
Welcome Aboard! Now what? Onboarding new fundraisers to set them up for success
New fundraisers, whether new to the profession entirely, new to your organization, or new to a discipline or role, can feel like they don't receive enough guidance, direction, and onboarding from their supervisors, mentors, and peers. This session provides practical, clearly defined suggestions for setting up your new fundraisers for success from Day 1! Learn the most important elements of onboarding a new staff member to ensure that they understand your organization and their role.
Speakers: Theresa Law, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Indiana Institute of Technology
Competencies: LeadershipIndustry or Sector Expertise
Experience Level: Level 3All Levels
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CT
Communities of Practice: Communication Excellence Via Respect & Empowerment
Since 2022, the University of Michigan Medical School Communications Community of Practice (CoP) has been successfully navigating the collaboration and support of more than 90 unit-embedded communicators to develop partnerships, ensure access to resources, and embolden a unified voice, brand, and message across the Michigan Medicine landscape. In this presentation, we will use this case study to define a CoP, discuss the challenges of start-up, and walk through the steps toward implementation, success, and lessons learned. Participants will take away practical steps and resources for building a Community of Practice, methodology for connecting your community to the larger centralized communications core, and ideas for scaling communities to all sizes of teams.
Speakers: Megan Vanstratt, Marketing & Communications Director, University of Michigan, Erin LaRowe, Communications Director, Medical School, Michigan Medicine
Competencies: Integrity and ProfessionalismStrategic Thinking
Experience Level: All LevelsAll Levels
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CT
What We've Learned From Fully Autonomous AI Fundraising & Where We're Going Next
It’s been almost nine months since the world’s first fully autonomous fundraiser interacted with its first assigned donor. During that time, 11 higher educational institutions joined together as a cohort to engage donors with an AI-powerered Virtual Engagement Officer (and a second cohort is now live), but more importantly research, develop, and accelerate the deployment of autonomous fundraising for our entire industry.
All higher education institutions can relate to the fact that they have more donors and alumni than they have fundraisers with capacity to build relationships. This is precisely where autonomous fundraising changes what’s possible.
In this session, Susan Lewers, Associate Vice President, Major and Planned Gifts, of Illinois Institute of Technology will present the results her and her team have seen from autonomous fundraising – donors engaged, dollars raised, and pipeline built, in addition to their experience being the first organizations in the world to deploy a Virtual Engagement Officer to a portfolio of their donors.
We’ll present what we learned, what we got right, where course corrections were needed, and how we navigated AI in a field defined by relationships. We’ll share all of our findings including portfolios for autonomous fundraisers, sourcing engagement content independently, accuracy, transparency, ethics, and more.
Finally, we’ll conclude by looking at where we are going, how we can continue to further personalize donor journeys, push the outer limits of technology, and more.
All higher education institutions can relate to the fact that they have more donors and alumni than they have fundraisers with capacity to build relationships. This is precisely where autonomous fundraising changes what’s possible.
In this session, Susan Lewers, Associate Vice President, Major and Planned Gifts, of Illinois Institute of Technology will present the results her and her team have seen from autonomous fundraising – donors engaged, dollars raised, and pipeline built, in addition to their experience being the first organizations in the world to deploy a Virtual Engagement Officer to a portfolio of their donors.
We’ll present what we learned, what we got right, where course corrections were needed, and how we navigated AI in a field defined by relationships. We’ll share all of our findings including portfolios for autonomous fundraisers, sourcing engagement content independently, accuracy, transparency, ethics, and more.
Finally, we’ll conclude by looking at where we are going, how we can continue to further personalize donor journeys, push the outer limits of technology, and more.
Speakers: Susan Lewers, Associate Vice President, Major and Planned Gifts, Illinois Institute of Technology, Adam Martel, CEO, Givzey
Competencies: Relationship BuildingLeadership
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CT
Empowering Engagement: Students & Grads Shaping Flagship Programs and Inclusion
This presentation will delve into the critical roles of the Wisconsin Alumni Student Board (WASB) and the Wisconsin Recent Grad Council (RGC) in influencing signature programs and initiatives at the Wisconsin Alumni Association (WAA). Both groups play a pivotal role in ensuring that current students and recent graduates are actively engaged in programs designed to strengthen their connections with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A core theme of the presentation highlights how diverse perspectives of both groups enhance the effectiveness of engagement strategies.
Speakers: Karla Foster, Director of Student and Recent Grad Engagement, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association, Christine Seeley, Senior Program Manager, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association
Competencies: LeadershipRelationship Building
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM CT
Building And Sustaining Affinity Networks: Strategies For Engagement And Impact
This session will focus on strategies for building and sustaining affinity networks that foster community, amplify alumni voices, and increase engagement across diverse demographics. Participants will explore how to align affinity networks with the institution's goals while ensuring they foster a culture of inclusion and belonging.
Speakers: Stephanie Bonebrake, Associate Director of Affinity Network Operations, Alumni Engagement, Purdue for Life Foundation, Maria Whipple, Senior Director of Affinity Networks, Purdue for Life Foundation, Almira Yllana, Assistant Director of Affinity Networks, Purdue for Life Foundation
Competencies: Relationship BuildingGlobal and Cultural Competence
Experience Level: Level 3All Levels
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CT
Women Navigating Advancement Leadership
Join in a conversation about the context and experiences of women in advancement leadership. Explore research on the field, hear from a panel of women leaders, and explore best practices and resources to encourage and support women’s journeys to leadership. This session aims to motivate, empower, and energize--whether you are looking for networking, planning for career growth, seeking to enhance your leadership skills, or creating organizational environments where women leaders can thrive.
Speakers: Dana Cummings, Founder & CEO, Dana Starr Cummings Consulting, Jeri Pat Gabbert, Executive Vice President and Chief Philanthropic Officer, Porter County Community Foundation, Julie Melton, Vice President, Institutional Advancement, Richland Community College, Genevieve Shaker, Professor of Philanthropic Studies and Donald A. Campbell Chair in Fundraising Leadership, IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Lindsay Vahl Dean, Assistant Vice President, Alumni Engagement and Executive Director, Northwestern Alumni Association, Northwestern University
Competencies: Leadership
Experience Level: All Levels
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM CT
Major Gift Fundraising Remotely: Does it work?
Since the pandemic, more fundraisers do their work remotely. What is the impact on our bottom line? Can anyone work from anywhere? What are best practices based on recent research?
Speakers: Karen Aarestad, Associate Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Erica Dollhopf
Competencies: LeadershipStrategic Thinking
Experience Level: All Levels
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM CT
Affinity Groups: Rightsizing Your Investment
Affinity Groups. This tried-and-true engagement strategy has yielded big results at many institutions. But they can run the spectrum in both investment and results. Do you create a mini alumni association, or do you simply try to harness the momentum formed by organic groups? We will look at pro's and con's for each method, when each would be appropriate, the opportunity for a blended approach, and best practices for these powerful programs.
Speakers: Reggie Bustinza, Executive Director of Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving, Northern Illinois University
Competencies: Relationship BuildingStrategic Thinking
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CT
International Impact - Strategic Expansion of Alumni Engagement
How do you engage alumni all around the world and keep volunteers connected despite the distance ? How can they support the University's global strategy? In this session you can share best practices from your institutions and learn how the Notre Dame Alumni Association has expanded their volunteer base to 60+ countries. We will talk about international volunteer recruitment and stewardship and how it supports strategic global initiatives.
Speakers: Lea Barthuly, International Alumni Relations Program Manager, University of Notre Dame
Competencies: Relationship BuildingGlobal and Cultural Competence
Experience Level: All Levels