Marketing Institute
York, United Kingdom |
Learn the fundamentals of marketing with experts from across the sector, covering hot topics on brand and reputation, content marketing, data analysis and all things digital. Be part of a tutor group with an experience faculty member and get advice on how to curate your career within HE and build your professional network.
Welcome from the Chair

The higher education sector continues to face significant turbulence, with political and economic uncertainty driving a period of constant change at both a local and global level. The silver lining is that marketing and communications professionals have never been more important to the success of our organisations, and increasingly marketing is being viewed by senior leaders as underpinning institutional strategy.
At the Marketing Institute you will have the opportunity to learn from, and be supported by, marketing experts from across the sector and the immediate opportunity to build your professional network and connect with colleagues who may become part of your future CASE family.
Rachel Sandison, Vice Principal, External Relations, University of Glasgow
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