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Social Media and Community
Social Media and Community
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2:45 PM - 3:45 PM ET
Small Team, Big Impact: Social Media Success
Working on a small communications team may have limitations, but it can also make a big impact. In this session we will discuss organization and management strategies for small social media teams. Using examples and resources from CSU Northridge, attendees will gain tools and best practices to implement at their home institution.
Speakers: Josselyn Partida, Digital Strategy Specialist, California State University, Northridge
Competencies: Strategic ThinkingLeadership
Experience Level: All LevelsLevel 4
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM ET
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Small Teams: Boosting Efficiency and Productivity
How can artificial intelligence make daily tasks your small team does more efficient? Integrating AI into your workflow benefits the frequency and quality of the content your marketing/communications team produces. Programs such as ChatGPT and Bard, as well as in-app AI tools in the Adobe Suite, Canva, and more, can play a role in every MarCom task—from writing an effective social media caption to publishing a professional podcast. Partner with your school's IT department to understand and establish guidelines for your organization’s safe use of AI. With the support of IT, maximize your use of AI and strategize to be prepared for future emerging technologies.
Speakers: Kim Devine, Content Marketing and Copywriting Specialist, Ridgefield Academy, Kosta Myzithras, Director of Technology, Ridgefield Academy/Landmark Preschool
Competencies: Industry or Sector ExpertiseStrategic Thinking
Experience Level: All Levels