Special Events in Advancement
As the landscape of advancement, alumni and on-campus events is rapidly shifting, this online conference will provide you with strategies and tools you can implement immediately to tackle the challenges campus event planners are currently facing. This dynamic online learning opportunity will connect you with experienced faculty and your institutional peers from around the world. This conference is designed for newcomers to the advancement profession and professionals with mid- and senior-level responsibility.
Benefits of Attending
- Explore how to pivot in-person events to engaging virtual offerings.
- Gain a deeper understanding of how to demonstrate ROI for advancement, alumni and university-wide events.
- Discover creative solutions for budget management and doing more with less.
- Learn how to create engaging content to connect with constituencies and market your events.
- Make valuable connections with peers who you can call upon throughout your career.
Who Should Attend
- Directors, managers, coordinators of alumni relations events, regional alumni events, advancement events and university events, events and stewardship professionals, event professionals in the presidents office,
- Academic event planners
- Newcomers to special events in advancement
Meet Your Chair
Matthew Helmer
Matthew S. Helmer is committed to elevating the way donors experience mission-driven organizations. His philosophy is that every experience should be designed from a meaningful, well-articulated purpose—without it, the moment becomes something that just happens.