
Matthias Hentze
Matthias Hentze is Director of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and Co-Director of the Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit (MMPU) in Heidelberg (Germany). As EMBL Director, Matthias advises and works closely with EMBL’s Director General and supports her representing EMBL as an international scientific research, training and service organisation. He promotes aspects of EMBL’s public engagement and communication strategy, generating visibility and positive awareness of the Laboratory. The Director oversees the areas Resource Development and Alumni Relations, and is supported by the Director's Office.

Bruce Bernstein
Bruce Bernstein joined CASE as executive director, CASE Europe in February 2018.
In his role, Bernstein has lead CASE Europe and help move CASE strategic priorities forward as outlined in the CASE Strategic Plan.
Bernstein previously worked in CASE Europe from 2002 to 2008 as the director of business development. He has also worked as a fundraiser for the University of Chicago Development Office, with the Aga Khan University in London and the Tate Museum. Bernstein was also a CASE volunteer when he worked for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Jo Bury

Susan M Gasser

Stefano Gustincich