Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities
At this time, the exhibit hall for the 2022 Summit conference is sold out. Many thanks to our 2022 Sponsors and Exhibitors for their support and we welcome you to visit our website for opportunities to exhibit at Summit in 2023!
Who attends?
- Educational advancement’s top decision makers in school management, fundraising, alumni relations, communications, marketing, advancement services, and related operations.
Why Sponsor and Exhibit at Summit
- Access to hundreds of advancement leaders at CASE member and non-member institutions
- Opportunities to connect with clients and prospective clients
- Visibility during the conference and on the conference app
- Recognition throughout the conference
- Opportunities to share thought leadership and expertise with attendees
Standard Benefits for Sponsors
- Company logo and name prominently displayed on signage in the registration area
- Company logo projected in rotation on screen before all key sessions
- Logo and listing in the conference app
- Attendee opt-in/out listing provided pre- and post-conference
- Company logo in conference promotions and on conference website
Sponsorship Levels
Standard Rate: $4,500 | 2 registrations
Educational Partner Rate: $4,000 | 2 registrations
Exhibitors receive an exhibit booth, listing in the conference app, attendee opt-in/opt-out listing both pre- and post-conference.
A hotel room is not included in your sponsor/exhibitor fee. Room blocks often fill before hotel deadlines, so make your room reservation early.
The Summit will be held at:
Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park
200 North Columbus Drive
Chicago, IL 60601
Discounted Room Rate
$249 per night plus tax
Deadline for Discounted Room Rate
June 15, 2022
Interested in Sponsoring or Exhibiting at the Summit?
Complete the 2022 CASE Summit Sponsor/Exhibitor Form