CASE Academy
Unique Course in Leadership for Rising Advancement Stars
The CASE Academy—a course sequence hosted over a six-month time period—provides advancement rising stars with the opportunity to engage with and learn from each other and from industry leaders. CASE Academy Faculty are among the most seasoned, successful, and respected advancement professionals in the world. Based on the CASE Competencies Model©, itself the product of an intensive volunteer-led process to define essential skills and attributes for advancement professionals, the six-segment course combines both strategic guidance and practical advice to prepare participants to serve as leaders throughout their career in the profession.
Who Should Participate
The curriculum has been created for the rising advancement leader, who has a minimum of five years’ experience in an advancement role, or is transitioning from a mid- or senior-level role in another profession.
There has never been a more urgent need in our profession to ensure that it is nurturing and developing leaders equipped to overcome the wave of global challenges and local threats to education. To be an advancement professional means committing to sharing best practices and approaches in community, while investing in the success and development of colleagues. CASE Academy is yet another opportunity for us to come together to continue advancing ourselves and our institutions.
CASE Academy will provide concrete information that rising stars can use to do their work and enhance their careers, as well as offering excellent networking opportunities.
I’m honored to be among this great group of volunteers that is designing a brand-new program for CASE—one focused on the people who will lead the profession forward 5-10 years from now. And I am particularly excited about the opportunity to meet with fellow faculty and these next-generation leaders through a program designed to bring greater continuity to the teaching and learning experience.
We’re all lifelong learners and growers and deeply committed to the development of our teams. The CASE Academy is a community of practice centered on your growth.
The traits that make us great individual performers are not necessarily the same traits that make great team leaders. Through CASE Academy, we will work to broaden horizons and provide tools to help shape future careers. I hope that every participant will come away with a network of friends and colleagues that they will be able to draw upon in the years to come.
I’m thrilled to be involved in this pioneering initiative—a new format for a new world. I’m looking forward to working with my fellow faculty and to meeting a great cohort of participants.
An intensive leadership program I attended some years past was a turning point for me. We have designed the CASE Academy to provide rising advancement stars with a similar opportunity.
Testimonials from Past Participants
“The CASE leadership program has not only provided me excellent knowledge and a foundation for continued growth as a leader, but a better understanding of my own personal leadership style and strengths. I highly recommend this program to all leaders who want to continue to learn and improve.”
“CASE Academy provided a sacred space during a very difficult year to think strategically, optimistically, and thoughtfully about our profession and how we can most positively impact our institutions, colleagues, and our own personal growth.”
"Focusing on CASE Competencies Model in the midst of a seismic shift in the way we do our work forced us as a group of leaders to focus on the foundation of our work. Access to industry leaders combined with cohorts of impressive professionals provided a fulfilling experience that has stretched my knowledge and capacity. I cannot count the number of times I have referred back to this experience as it relates to what I am asked to accomplish as a leader at my institution."