CPE Program
CPE Session Information
Accountants can earn up to 13 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits at the 2024 CASE Conference for College and University Foundations, April 10-12, Denver, CO.
Course Level: Group Live; no prerequisites or advance preparation is required. Only individuals registered for the conference can attend CPE sessions and earn CPE credit. For each CPE credit session, conference attendees must remain for the entirety of the session to earn credit. At the end of a CPE session, attendees will receive a code that they can submit to receive the appropriate credit.
The following is a list of CPE credit sessions offered at the conference:
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
3:00-4:00PM MT
Leaning Into Analytics to Improve Donor Engagement & Outcomes
Explore why donors in today's digital landscape demand enhanced content, accessible information, and personalized interactions. There will be an emphasis on the importance of utilizing analytics to elevate donor engagement, foster connections, and boost fundraising efforts.
Speakers: Jean Marie Richardson, President & CEO, iFOLIO, Mindy Hyde, Senior Director of Development, Georgia Institute of Technology
Competencies: Relationship Building; Strategic Thinking
Learning Objectives:
- Identify when leadership should adopt solutions with analytics.
- Determine what type of analytics leadership should expect to see after campaigns and key events.
- Understand how to support attendees’ teams to address issues with poor data.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Intermediate--Attendees should have at least 4 years of Advancement experience
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
3:00-4:00PM MT
Strategic Plan Development to Launch of Campaign
Review how the University of North Dakota and its affiliated University of North Dakota Alumni Association and Foundation aligned priorities as the university began the development of a new strategic plan just prior to the launch of the public phase of a fundraising campaign.
Speakers: Meloney Linder, Vice President for Marketing and Communications, University of North Dakota, Sarah Prout, Vice President for Marketing & Communications, University of North Dakota Alumni Association
Competencies: Strategic Thinking
Learning Objectives:
- Understand collaboration methods among various university entities during a strategic planning process.
- Analyze/consider campaign priorities and messaging relative to university strategic plans.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Business Management and Organization
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
Thursday, April 11, 2024
8:45-9:45 AM
Donors of Tomorrow: Meeting the New Expectations of Donors, Alumni, and Friends
This session will review the changing expectations of constituents and review ways to ensure college and university engagement programs are adapting to maximize fundraising success.
Speaker: Mark Marshall, Principal, BWF
Competencies: Strategic Thinking; Relationship Building
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the donor engagement strategy shifts that are currently underway.
- Create an action plan and framework to evaluate donor relations and engagement programs and strengthen interactions with diverse pools of constituents.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
Ethics In Fundraising; Compliance, Pitfalls, and Successful Outcomes
A comprehensive overview of the ethical considerations involved in fundraising with a specific focus on striking a balance between financial goals and development priorities.
Speakers: Nancy Pederson, Vice President of Finance, University of North Dakota Alumni Association & Foundation, Mike Mannausau, Vice President of Development, UND Alumni Association and Foundation
Competencies: Integrity and Professionalism; Strategic Thinking
Learning Objectives:
- Implement proven strategies designed to enhance the engagement and partnership with University leaders in support of their fundraising efforts.
- Identify opportunities and specific strategies at their institutions for academic leaders (i.e., Deans and Department Chairs) and program leaders (i.e., Athletics and Student Affairs) to take greater ownership of their campaign’s success.
- Clearly define the role of development officers in facilitating and managing relationships between donors and other University leaders.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
10:00-11:00 AM
Better Together: Foundation-Alumni Association Mergers
Learn how merging a university's foundation and alumni association can enhance alumni engagement, philanthropic investment, and organizational efficiency, as explored through insights from professionals who have executed successful mergers, discussing challenges, outcomes, and benefits.
Speakers: Kim O'Neill, VP for University Advancement/ President & CEO of the Foundation for WWU & Alumn, The Foundation for WWU & Alumni, Mark Brovak, AVP for University Advancement, Finance and Administration; VP / CFO of The Foundation for WWU & Alu, Western Washington Unviersity
Competencies: Leadership: Strategic Thinking
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the value and outcomes of a merger between college foundations and alumni associations.
- Recognize the steps needed to pursue a merger between college foundations and alumni associations.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
10:00-11:00 AM
From Data to Action: Jumpstart your Donor Pipeline
Learn how data analytics can identify new prospects, prioritize donors, and rejuvenate prospect portfolios to create a robust pipeline, aiming to achieve advancement team goals across various fundraising initiatives, with a focus on collaboration between advancement services, data analytics, and front-line fundraisers for philanthropic success.
Speakers: Antoinette Vojtech, Executive Director, Principal Gifts and Campaign, California State University, Sacramento, Ainsley Wallace, President & CEO, University of Southern Maine Foundation, Ted Blackburn, Managing Director, CCS Fundraising
Competencies: Business & Financial Acumen
Learning Objectives:
- Examine the opportunities to expand your prospect pool.
- Learn how data analytics can be employed to help identify, sequence, and build a more robust donor pipeline.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
10:00-11:00 AM
Game-Changing Leadership and Strategy to Double Productivity
In an ever more challenging advancement landscape-- where the value of higher education has been questioned, the expectations from Presidents and Board grow with fewer resources, and every office has a shortage of talented staff, we turn to several first-time Vice Presidents who have overcome these challenges and thrived.
Speaker: Don Hasseltine, Senior Consultant, Aspen Leadership
Competencies: Leadership; Business & Financial Acumen
Learning Objectives:
- Analyze successful leadership strategies employed in elevating programs, focusing on key actions that made a significant impact.
- Assess the progression of program development, evaluating whether it followed a phased approach or a simpler trajectory.
- Examine strategies for effectively engaging boards and volunteer groups in program development processes.
- Identify major challenges encountered in program development and strategies for addressing them.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
Gifts that Keep on Giving (Us Headaches): Navigating Complex Giving Arrangements
We will discuss challenges related to common complex giving arrangements and best practice resolutions that typically require involvement from finance, development, management and other third parties. Our discussion will include split interest agreements, gift repurposing, naming rights and more.
Speakers: Adam Pyzdrowski, Principal, CLA, Sarah Hintz, Principal, CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP, Cheryl Heitz, Leslee Smith
Competencies: Leadership; Business and Financial Acumen
Learning Objectives:
- Identify challenges with complex giving arrangements and their implications on organizational finance.
- Understand suggested responses and resolutions challenges with complex giving arrangements.
- Consider implementing processes and procedures to proactively address challenges with complex giving arrangements.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
Using a Development Plan as a Tool for Board Engagement
Learn how to effectively engage board members in institutional priorities and fundraising efforts by implementing a development plan framework, addressing real-world challenges faced in organizations to optimize advancement goals and foster authentic engagement.
Speaker: James McMahon, Chief Executive Officer, Educational Foundation, Community College of Allegheny County
Competencies: Leadership; Strategic Thanking
Learning Objectives:
- Define the difference between development planning and strategic planning.
- List different models for creating a development plan, different approaches for determining ROI of fundraising approaches, and different understandings of strategy versus tactics.
- Take away tools to create a development plan and learn how to use it to engage with board members in an authentic way.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
3:15-4:15 PM
Enterprise Risk Management - Protecting Your Institution Going Forward!
This session emphasizes the critical role of risk management in organizational success by addressing various types of risks and opportunities, focusing on developing and enhancing policies and procedures to strengthen institutions' ability to mitigate threats and optimize resource utilization, and assisting officers and directors in safeguarding organizations and maximizing their potential.
Speakers: Kimberly Haynes, Senior Manager, Mauldin & Jenkins; Jon Schultz, Partner, Education Practice Leader, Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC
Competencies: Strategic Thinking; Business & Financial Acumen
Learning Objectives:
- Define enterprise risk management.
- Identify common threats to your institutions mission and objectives.
- Develop policies and procedures to help your institution manage the risks identified to protect the institution going forward by minimizing the threats and maximizing potential.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
4:30-5:30 PM
Modern Cyber Risks for 2024
The pace of cyber fraud and the number of breaches hitting the headlines has not diminished. This session will explore the current state of cyber threats, detailing how attackers progress from attendees’ social media and online exposure, through phishing and account compromises to data breaches, data theft and ransomware.
Speakers: Randall J. Romes, CISSP, CRISC, CISA, MCP, PCI-QSA, Principal – Cybersecurity, CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA); Kevin Villanueva, CISSP, CISA, PCIP, CCSFA, Principal – Cybersecurity, CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA)
Competencies: Business Management & Organization
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize common threats and social engineering techniques.
- Identify online behaviors that can lead to increased exposure.
- Learn where the organization can focus valuable risk mitigation resources.
- Develop and refine a framework of knowledge to plan future security efforts.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
Friday, April 12, 2024
9:15-10:15 AM
Elevating Talent and Advancing the Organization through the Innovation Council
Participants will learn about the Arizona State University Foundation’s successful implementation of the Innovation Council, an internal program that elevates talent within the organization as well as generates new strategies and initiatives that help advance the institution.
Speakers: Travis Egbert, Deputy Chief of Staff, Arizona State University, Michelle Govani, Director, Moonshot Accelerator, Arizona State University
Competencies: Strategic Thinking; Leadership
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the dual value of establishing an internal "innovation team" for developing emerging leaders and generating new ideas within an organization.
- Explain the significance of creating a network of emerging leaders connected by shared experiences.
- Identify various strategic projects initiated by the Innovation Council, such as developing an online platform for donors and enhancing the onboarding process.
- Gain insight into the "Design Thinking" process utilized by the ASUF Innovation Council for generating and implementing innovative ideas and strategies.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Overview
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer
9:15-10:15 AM
Leveraging Dashboards for Enhanced Performance
Share lessons learned in leveraging data analysis to transition to a more performance-based culture. This session will feature two dashboards - one focused on frontline fundraising (Fundraiser Progress and Portfolio) and one on alumni relations (Alumni Engagement - a 2023 Case Gold Winner)
Speakers: Brandon O'Leary, AVP Advancement Strategy and Analytics, Indiana University, Zack Edwards, Manager, Business Analytics, Indiana University Foundation, Erin Zody, Sr. Business Analyst, Strategy & Analytics, Indiana University Foundation
Competencies: Strategic Thinking
Learning Objectives:
- Explore creative methods of visualizaing key performance metrics through visualization tools.
- Articulate how participants’ organizations might develop similar analyses, with consideration for the specific challenges and opportunities their organization faces.
- Demonstrate impact by showcasing the tangible results of consistent monitoring of key performance indicators.
CPE Credit: Attendees can earn up to 1 CPE for this session.
Program Level: Intermediate: Attendees should have at least 4 years of Advancement experience.
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Element of Engagement: Question & Answer