Online Course: Introduction to Advancement
On-boarding staff continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing our members and the sector, especially in an era of decreasing funding. Recognizing this critical need, CASE has developed a new online course, Introduction to Integrated Advancement. This fundamentals course is specifically designed for new professionals entering the field, providing them with the essential knowledge and skills they need from day one.
Thanks to the generous support of our community, the President’s Excellence Fund supported the creation of the Introduction to Integrated Advancement, making it a free member benefit. Through this course, participants will delve into the core areas of educational advancement, including fundraising, alumni relations, marketing, and communications, to foster a holistic understanding of integrated advancement.This course will empower institutions to streamline their on-boarding process, reduce training costs, and enhance the overall competency of their teams, driving greater success in their advancement efforts.
Impact by the Numbers
Since the course was launched, earlier this year the following has been possible and continues to grow.
Hear from the Participants
“As someone transitioning from the social responsibility field to advancement, I found this course to be incredibly illuminating. It has greatly enhanced my understanding of what advancement truly entails and has provided me with a solid foundation to build upon in my new role. The course's comprehensive content, combined with practical examples, has bridged the gap between theory and practice, making the learning experience both engaging and highly applicable. This course has been an invaluable resource in my professional development, and I enthusiastically recommend it to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of advancement.”
“I found this course to be a great jumping off point for, what I believe will be, a long-term relationship between myself and all the resources CASE has to offer. More specifically, though, I appreciated the detailed breakdown of educational advancement as it is easy to feel lost in such a huge organization with so many different departments, each with their own smaller goals and hard to understand where each of those teams fit into the overall goals of the organization.”
“The creation of Introduction to Integrated Advancement is a significant milestone for CASE and the advancement profession. As advancement work continues to evolve, it’s crucial for professionals to understand the interconnectedness of alumni relations, fundraising, marketing, and communications. This course equips our members, and new professionals, with the foundational knowledge and strategic insights they need to build stronger, more cohesive advancement efforts. By integrating these critical functions, we empower professionals to drive long-term success and better serve their institutions.”