Schools Track Sessions (7-9 May 2024)
We are excited to see you in Singapore this May for our 2024 APAC.
Schools are a vital part of the Asia-Pacific region and valued members of CASE. This year, CASE is excited to highlight the sessions on the APAC programme created especially by school practitioners for school advancement professionals as the Schools Track. All attendees will have access to the full conference programme, which provides inspiring and informative sessions for all advancement professionals and institution types. The Schools Track serves as a roadmap to denote the sessions where the conversation and content will be specific to the opportunities and challenges of our international and independent schools. Hosting the school-specific sessions alongside the full conference will allow for even more collaboration and sharing between our school community and our universities.
7 May Schools Track Session
School Tour at United World College of South East Asia
8 May Schools Track Sessions
Giving Days: Successes and Lessons Learned
Moving to a PTA Model that's not Fundraising Focused
Is there any additional information you would like to share about the session, speakers or format? : Having been at ASIJ for 22 years, and as a serving member of the PTA Board, I have been the architect and shepherd for much of the change that has taken place over the years to bring us to this position. I can speak to the challenges, roadblocks, and opportunities that schools have with parent groups and provide insight into how ASIJ was able to complete this journey and how we are stewarding the change as we move forward.
Learning Outcomes : Articulate the pros and cons of moving away from a traditional PTA fundraising model.
Understand how to build consensus and move forward with changes.
Describe the benefits of focusing the PTA on institutionally aligned fundraising. Creating community support for the Annual Fund
What is the key takeaway from this session?: That the traditional PTA model with event-based fundraising is not the only option and the time, energy, and resources used for major fundraising events can be harnessed to move institutions forward more strategically and sustainably.